Klinische Studien

    Im Bereich der Pädiatrischen Intensivmedizin werden klinische Studien durchgeführt.

    1) Kinder und Jugendliche müssen immer wieder diagnostischen oder therapeutischen Eingriffen wie Magen-Spiegelung oder Nieren-Biopsien unterzogen werden. Diese Untersuchungen bedeuten Stress für Patienten und Angehörige. Für eine optimale Durchführung dieser Prozeduren werden die Kinder sediert. Wir kümmern uns in klinischen Studien um die Optimierung dieser Sedierungen, so dass für den Patienten der größtmögliche Komfort entsteht. Z. B. haben wir im Eingriffsraum einen Projektor installiert, der Zeichentrick-Serien an die Decke projiziert, damit die Kinder in der Einschlafphase abgelenkt sind.

    2) Immer wieder werden Kinder und Jugendliche mit schweren Infektionen auf der Intensivstation aufgenommen. Wir untersuchen, häufig in Kooperation mit umliegenden Kliniken, eine Optimierung der Diagnostik und Therapie dieser Patienten, z. B. über schnellere Erkennung von Bakterien und Viren.

    3) Immer wieder müssen auch Patienten mit schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma auf unserer Intensivstation betreut, z. B. nach Unfällen oder Stürzen. Wir untersuchen anhand von großen klinischen Datensätzen, welche Therapieformen das beste neurologische Outcome zeigen, und wir untersuchen, ob wir mit Hilfe von einfachen Untersuchungsmethoden wie z. B. dauerhaftes EEG oder transkraniellem Ultraschall Veränderungen im Gehirn schneller erfassen können, um sie therapeutisch zu beeinflussen.

    4)  Für die Patienten, aber auch für die ganze Familie ist ein Aufenthalt auf der Kinder-Intensivstation ein häufig sehr belastendes Erlebnis. Wir möchten durch strukturierte Untersuchung und durch eine regelmäßige ambulante Nachsorge die Folgen nach einem Intensiv-Aufenthalt besser verstehen, um sie dann besser behandeln zu können.

    POKER: Pediatric Oncology Kids on the Intensive Care Unit European Research Group – Durchführung von Studien zur Verbesserung der klinischen Versorgung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Krebserkrankungen und nach Knochenmarktransplantation

    PIA: Pädiatrische Intensiv Aufnahmen – ist entstanden durch einen Zusammenschluss der Kinder-Intensivstationen der Uni-Kliniken Essen, München und Dresden, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Erhebungsstelle für seltene pädiatrische Erkrankungen in Mainz. Das langfristige Ziel ist es, dass alle Kinder, die auf einer Intensivstation behandelt werden, in einem Register anonym erfasst werden, um anhand der daraus erhobenen Daten, Ansätze zur Verbesserung der Versorgung kritisch kranker Kinder zu entdecken.


    • Santos AN, Rauschenbach L, Riess C, Georgiades I, Fiçilar B, Gallardo EG, Quesada CM, Li Y, Tippelt S, Dohna-Schwake C, Schmidt B, Jabbarli R, Siegel AM, Benet A, Wrede KH, Sure U, Dammann P. Outcome after conservative or surgical treatment for new-onset epilepsy in children with cerebral cavernous malformation. Seizure. 2023 Jul 17;111:23-29. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2023.07.011. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37494759.
    • Schwarz S, Brevis Nuñez F, Dürr NR, Brassel F, Schlunz-Hendann M, Feldkamp A, Rosenbaum T, Felderhoff-Müser U, Schulz K, Dohna-Schwake C, Bruns N. Doppler Ultrasound Flow Reversal in the Superior Sagittal Sinus to Detect Cerebral Venous Congestion in Vein of Galen Malformation. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2023 Jun;44(6):707-715. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A7891. Epub 2023 May 25. PMID: 37230540; PMCID: PMC10249685.
    • González-Gallardo E, Rauschenbach L, Santos AN, Riess C, Li Y, Tippelt S, Della Marina A, Dohna-Schwake C, Sure U, Dammann P. Giant Cavernous Malformation Mimicking an Infiltrative Intracranial Neoplasm in Children-Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2023 Jun;174:30-41. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2023.02.135. Epub 2023 Mar 6. PMID: 36889633.
    • Goretzki SC, Brasseler M, Dogan B, Hühne T, Bernard D, Schönecker A, Steindor M, Gangfuß A, Della Marina A, Felderhoff-Müser U, Dohna-Schwake C, Bruns N. High Prevalence of Alternative Diagnoses in Children and Adolescents with Suspected Long COVID-A Single Center Cohort Study. Viruses. 2023 Feb 20;15(2):579. doi: 10.3390/v15020579. PMID: 36851793; PMCID: PMC9961131.
    • Hauschild J, Bruns N, Lainka E, Dohna-Schwake C. A European International Multicentre Survey on the Current Practice of Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Paediatric Liver Transplantations. Antibiotics (Basel). 2023 Feb 1;12(2):292. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics12020292. PMID: 36830202; PMCID: PMC9952614.
    • Impact of the First COVID Lockdown on Accident- and Injury-Related Pediatric Intensive Care Admissions in Germany-A Multicenter Study. Children (Basel). 2022 Mar 4;9(3):363.Bruns N, Willemsen LY, Holtkamp K, Kamp O, Dudda M, Kowall B, Stang A, Hey F, Blankenburg J, Sabir H, Eifinger F, Fuchs H, Haase R, Andrée C, Heldmann M, Potratz J, Kurz D, Schumann A, Müller-Knapp M, Mand N, Doerfel C, Dahlem P, Rothoeft T, Ohlert M, Silkenbäumer K, Dohle F, Indraswari F, Niemann F, Jahn P, Merker M, Braun N, Brevis Nunez F, Engler M, Heimann K, Wolf GK, Wulf D, Hankel S, Freymann H, Allgaier N, Knirsch F, Dercks M, Reinhard J, Hoppenz M, Felderhoff-Müser U, Dohna-Schwake C.
    • Goretzki SC, Schäfer M, Dogan B, Bruns N, Tschiedel E, Rath PM, Voigt S, Grumaz S, Horvatek P, Schönberger S, Stehling F, Brenner T, Dohna-Schwake C. Next Generation Sequencing of Free Microbial DNA for Rapid Identification of Pathogens in Critically Ill Children with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2022 Nov 8;27(11):302. doi: 10.31083/j.fbl2711302. PMID: 36472101.
    • Association of ApoE Genotypes and Recovery From Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Very Low Birth Weight Infants. Stroke. 2022 Feb;53(2):514-522. Humberg A, Dzietko M, Schulz S, Felderhoff-Müser U, Hüning B, Stein A, Fortmann MI, Marissen J, Rausch TK, Herting E, Härtel C, Göpel W; German
      Neonatal Network (GNN).
    • Characterization of aEEG During Sleep and Wakefulness in Healthy Children. Front Pediatr. 2022 Jan 21;9:773188. Löffelhardt VT, Della Marina A, Greve S, Müller H, Felderhoff-Müser U, Dohna-
      Schwake C, Bruns N.
    • Soluble CEACAM1 and CEACAM6 are differently expressed in blood serum of pregnant women during normal pregnancy
      Am J Reprod Immunol. 2017;78(4): e12700- (Impact(2016)=3.013, Typ=Article)
      Mach P, Gellhaus A, Prager S, Moore T, Wennemuth G, Kimmig R, Koninger A, Singer BB
    • Maternal 27-hydroxycholesterol concentrations during the course of pregnancy and in pregnancy pathologies. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2017;17(1): 106 (Impact: liegt nicht vor, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Winkler BS, Pecks U, Najjari L, Kleine-Eggebrecht N, Maass N, Mohaupt M, Escher G
    • Bacteraemia and fungaemia in cystic fibrosis patients with febrile pulmonary exacerbation: a prospective observational study. BMC Pulm Med. 2017;17(1): 96 (Impact(2016)=2.435, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Grosse-Onnebrink J, Stehling F, Tschiedel E, Olivier M, Mellies U, Schmidt R, Buer J, Rath PM, Steinmann J
    • Ketogenic Diets in the Treatment of Epilepsy. Curr Pharm Des. 2017;23(37): 5691-5701 (Impact(2016)=2.611, Typ=Review; Journal Article) Elia M, Klepper J, Leiendecker B, Hartmann H
    • Delay of gratification and time comprehension is impaired in very preterm children at the age of 4years. Early Hum Dev. 2017;115: 77-81 (Impact(2016)=2.169, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Hüning BM, Assing B, Weishaupt E, Dransfeld F, Felderhoff-Müser U, Zmyj N
    • Comparison of two common aEEG classifications for the prediction of neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants. Eur J Pediatr. 2017;176(2): 163-171 (Impact(2016)=1.921, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Bruns N, Dransfeld F, Hüning B, Hobrecht J, Storbeck T, Weiss C, Felderhoff-Müser U, Müller H
    • DMBT1 promotes basal and meconium-induced nitric oxide production in human lung epithelial cells in vitro. Histochem Cell Biol. 2017;147(3): 389-397 (Impact(2016)=2.553, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Müller H, Weiss C, Renner M, Felderhoff-Müser U, Mollenhauer J
    • Application of an Amplitude-integrated EEG Monitor (Cerebral Function Monitor) to Neonates J Vis Exp. 2017;5(127): e55985- (Impact(2016)=1.232, Typ=Article) Bruns N, Blumenthal S, Meyer I, Klose-Verschuur S, Felderhoff-Muser U, Muller H
    • Neonatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke – A Hospital Based Active Surveillance Study in Germany. Klin Padiatr. 2017;229(3): 142-146 (Impact(2016)=0.731, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Klemme M, Gerstl L, Weinberger R, Olivieri M, Flemmer A, von Kries R, Felderhoff-Müser U, Dzietko M
    • Perinatal Stroke and Sinus Thrombosis: Clinical, Diagnostic and therapeutic Approaches Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 2017;165(7): 596-604 (Impact(2016)=0.31, Typ=Article) Dzietko M, Schara U, Felderhoff-Muser U
    • Inhaled Glucocorticoids and Pneumonia in Preterm Infants: Post Hoc Results from the NEuroSIS Trial. Neonatology. 2017;112(2): 110-113 (Impact(2016)=2.598, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Koch A, Kreutzer K, von Oldershausen G, Poets CF, Bassler D, NEuroSIS Trial Group
    • The influence of parents‘ voice on the consumption of propofol for pediatric procedural sedation-a randomized controlled trial. Paediatr Anaesth. 2017;27(4): 394-398 (Impact(2016)=2.254, Typ=Article; Journal Article; Randomized Controlled Trial) Tschiedel E, Heck V, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Dohna-Schwake C
    • Cerebellar-dependent associative learning is impaired in very preterm born children and young adults. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1): 18028 (Impact(2016)=4.259, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Tran L, Huening BM, Kaiser O, Schweiger B, Sirin S, Quick HH, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Timmann D
    • Prospective evaluation of SeptiFast Multiplex PCR in children with systemic inflammatory response syndrome under antibiotic treatment. BMC Infect Dis. 2016;16: 378 (Impact(2016)=2.768, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Gies F, Tschiedel E, Felderhoff-Müser U, Rath PM, Steinmann J, Dohna-Schwake C
    • Ketogenic diet guidelines for infants with refractory epilepsy. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2016;20(6): 798-809 (Impact(2016)=2.013, Typ=Journal Article; Review; Review) van der Louw E, van den Hurk D, Neal E, Leiendecker B, Fitzsimmon G, Dority L, Thompson L, Marchió M, Dudzi?ska M, Dressler A, Klepper J, Auvin S, Cross JH
    • Granulocyte transfusions in critically ill children with prolonged neutropenia: side effects and survival rates from a single-center analysis. Eur J Pediatr. 2016;175(10): 1361-9 (Impact(2016)=1.921, Typ=Journal Article; Article)  Weingarten C, Pliez S, Tschiedel E, Grasemann C, Kreissig C, Schündeln MM
    • Preterm Birth during Influenza Season Is Associated with Adverse Outcome in Very Low Birth Weight Infants. Front Pediatr. 2016;4: 130 (Impact(2016)=2.172, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Härtel C, Humberg A, Viemann D, Stein A, Orlikowsky T, Rupp J, Kopp MV, Herting E, Göpel W
    • Maternal Serum Lipid, Estradiol, and Progesterone Levels in Pregnancy, and the Impact of Placental and Hepatic Pathologies. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2016;76(7): 799-808 (Impact(2016)=1.07, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Pecks U, Rath W, Kleine-Eggebrecht N, Maass N, Voigt F, Goecke TW, Mohaupt MG, Escher G
    • Elevated DMBT1 levels in neonatal gastrointestinal diseases. Histochem Cell Biol. 2016;145(2): 227-37 (Impact(2016)=2.553, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Müller H, Renner M, Helmke BM, Mollenhauer J, Felderhoff-Müser U
    • NOD2 Loss-of-Function Mutations and Risks of Necrotizing Enterocolitis or Focal Intestinal Perforation in Very Low-birth-weight Infants. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2016;22(2): 249-56 (Impact(2016)=4.525, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Härtel C, Hartz A, Pagel J, Rupp J, Stein A, Kribs A, Müller A, Haase R, Gille C, Böttger R, Kittel J, Jensen R, Wieg C, Herting E, Göpel W, German Neonatal Network (GNN)
    • Does Breastmilk Influence the Development of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia? J Pediatr. 2016;169: 76-80.e4 (Impact(2016)=3.874, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Spiegler J, Preuß M, Gebauer C, Bendiks M, Herting E, Göpel W, German Neonatal Network (GNN) , German Neonatal Network GNN , Bendiks M, Berghäuser MA, Böckenholt K, Bohnhorst B, Böttger R, Brune T, Dawczynski K, Dördelmann M, Ehlers S, Eichhorn JG, Felderhoff-Müser U, Franz A, Gebauer C, Gerleve H, Göpel W, Gortner L, Haase R, Heitmann F, Hentschel R, Hepping N, Hillebrand G, Höhn T, Hörnig-Franz I, Hubert M, Jenke A, Jensen R, Kannt O, Körner HT, Kribs A, Küster H, Linnemann K, Möller J, Müller A, Müller D, Olbertz DM, Orlikowsky T, Reese J, Roll C, Rossi R, Rüdiger M, Schaible T, Schiffmann JH, Schmidkte S, Seeliger S, Segerer H, Siegel J, Teig N, Urlichs F, von der Wense A, Vochem M, Weller U, Wieg C, Wintgens J
    • Fatal HSV-1 Infection in a 15-Year-Old Girl with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Klin Padiatr. 2016;228(6-07): 334-335 (Impact(2016)=0.731, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Bernbeck B, Tschiedel E, Brummel B, Dohna-Schwake C, Schneider DT
    • [Analysis of a Family-centred Care Programme with Follow-up Home-visits in Neonatology – In Times of the Directive from G-BA]. Klin Padiatr. 2016;228(4): 195-201 (Impact(2016)=0.731, Typ=Journal Article; English Abstract; Article) Hüning BM, Reimann M, Sahlmen S, Leibold S, Nabring JC, Felderhoff-Müser U
    • Paroxysmal Nonepileptic Events in Glut1 Deficiency. MOV DISORD CLIN PRACT. 2016;3(6): 607-610 (Impact: liegt nicht vor, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Klepper J, Leiendecker B, Eltze C, Heussinger N
    • Erstversorgung und Reanimation des Neugeborenen – Update 2016. Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 2016; (Vol. 16): Heft 6: 433-438. M Dzietko, P Deindl, H Sallmon, A Stein, G Hansmann
    • Regional growth and atlasing of the developing human brain. Neuroimage. 2016;125: 456-78 (Impact(2016)=5.835, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Makropoulos A, Aljabar P, Wright R, Hüning B, Merchant N, Arichi T, Tusor N, Hajnal JV, Edwards AD, Counsell SJ, Rueckert D
    • Severe Hypertriglyceridemia in Glut1D on Ketogenic Diet. Neuropediatrics. 2016;47(2): 132-6 (Impact(2016)=1.571, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Klepper J, Leiendecker B, Heussinger N, Lausch E, Bosch F
    • Respiratory Muscle Weakness and Respiratory Failure in Pediatric Neuromuscular Disorders: The Value of Noninvasive Determined Tension-Time Index. Neuropediatrics. 2016;47(6): 374-379 (Impact(2016)=1.571, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Stehling F, Alfen K, Dohna-Schwake C, Mellies U
    • Clinical Relevance of Pathogens Detected by Multiplex PCR in Blood of Very-Low-Birth Weight Infants with Suspected Sepsis – Multicentre Study of the German Neonatal Network. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(7): e0159821 (Impact(2016)=2.806, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Tröger B, Härtel C, Buer J, Dördelmann M, Felderhoff-Müser U, Höhn T, Hepping N, Hillebrand G, Kribs A, Marissen J, Olbertz D, Rath PM, Schmidtke S, Siegel J, Herting E, Göpel W, Steinmann J, Stein A
    • Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 (DMBT1) elicits increased VEGF and decreased IL-6 production in type II lung epithelial cells. BMC Pulm Med. 2015;15: 32 (Impact(2015)=2.329, Impact(2016)=2.435, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Müller H, Nagel C, Weiss C, Mollenhauer J, Poeschl J
    • Mechanical insufflation/exsufflation improves vital capacity in neuromuscular disorders. Chron Respir Dis. 2015;12(1): 31-5 (Impact(2015)=1.646, Impact(2016)=1.818, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Stehling F, Bouikidis A, Schara U, Mellies U
    • Adverse Tracheal Intubation-Associated Events During Nights and Weekends on PICUs-Be Prepared! Crit Care Med. 2015;43(12): 2698-9 (Impact(2015)=7.422, Impact(2016)=7.05, Typ=Journal Article; Comment; Editorial) Dohna-Schwake C
    • First Case Studies of Successful ABO-Incompatible Living-Related Liver Transplantation in Infants in Germany. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2015;25(1): 77-81 (Impact(2015)=1.269, Impact(2016)=1.313, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Schukfeh N, Lenz V, Metzelder ML, Paul A, Mathe Z, Kathemann S, Hoyer PF, Dohna-Schwake C, Gerner P
    • Cardiac pathologies in female carriers of Duchenne muscular dystrophy assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. Eur Radiol. 2015;25(10): 3066-72 (Impact(2015)=3.64, Impact(2016)=3.967, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Schelhorn J, Schoenecker A, Neudorf U, Schemuth H, Nensa F, Nassenstein K, Forsting M, Schara U, Schlosser T
    • Applying extracellular vesicles based therapeutics in clinical trials – an ISEV position paper. J Extracell Vesicles. 2015;4: 30087 (Impact: liegt nicht vor, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Lener T, Gimona M, Aigner L, Börger V, Buzas E, Camussi G, Chaput N, Chatterjee D, Court FA, Del Portillo HA, O’Driscoll L, Fais S, Falcon-Perez JM, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Fraile L, Gho YS, Görgens A, Gupta RC, Hendrix A, Hermann DM, Hill AF, Hochberg F, Horn PA, de Kleijn D, Kordelas L, Kramer BW, Krämer-Albers EM, Laner-Plamberger S, Laitinen S, Leonardi T, Lorenowicz MJ, Lim SK, Lötvall J, Maguire CA, Marcilla A, Nazarenko I, Ochiya T, Patel T, Pedersen S, Pocsfalvi G, Pluchino S, Quesenberry P, Reischl IG, Rivera FJ, Sanzenbacher R, Schallmoser K, Slaper-Cortenbach I, Strunk D, Tonn T, Vader P, van Balkom BW, Wauben M, Andaloussi SE, Théry C, Rohde E, Giebel B
    • Septic shock in children in an urban area in Western Germany–outcome, risk factors for mortality and infection epidemiology. Klin Padiatr. 2015;227(2): 61-5 (Impact(2015)=0.98, Impact(2016)=0.731, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Article) Breuling T, Tschiedel E, Große-Lordemann A, Hünseler C, Schmidt C, Niemann F, Dettmer P, Freymann H, von Noorden C, Wallot M, Heister P, Heitmann F, Rothoeft T, Schürmann U, Backendorf A, Heldmann M, Schubert E, Nu?ez FB, Seiffert P, Felderhoff-Müser U, Dohna-Schwake C
    • Electrocortical Activity at 7 Days of Life is Affected in Extremely Premature Infants with Patent Ductus Arteriosus. Klin Padiatr. 2015;227(5): 264-8 (Impact(2015)=0.98, Impact(2016)=0.731, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Bruns N, Metze B, Bührer C, Felderhoff-Müser U, Hüseman D
    • Increased risk for bronchitis after discharge in non-vaccinated very low birth weight infants. Klin Padiatr. 2015;227(2): 80-3 (Impact(2015)=0.98, Impact(2016)=0.731, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Article) Stichtenoth G, Härtel C, Spiegler J, Dördelmann M, Möller J, Wieg C, Orlikowsky T, Stein A, Herting E, Goepel W
    • Pediatric Stroke/Neonatal Stroke and Sinus Thrombosis Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 2015;163(5): 494-495 (Impact(2015)=0.341, Impact(2016)=0.31, Typ=Editorial) Gerstl L, Heinen F, Felderhoff-Muser U, von Kries R
    • Early Inhaled Budesonide for the Prevention of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. N Engl J Med. 2015;373(16): 1497-506 (Impact(2015)=59.558, Impact(2016)=72.406, Typ=Journal Article; Randomized Controlled Trial; Multicenter Study; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Comparative Study; Article) Bassler D, Plavka R, Shinwell ES, Hallman M, Jarreau PH, Carnielli V, Van den Anker JN, Meisner C, Engel C, Schwab M, Halliday HL, Poets CF, NEUROSIS Trial Group , Plavka R, Seipolt B, Jarreau PH, Richardson J, Dadoun S, Bassler D, Poets CF, Kreutzer K, Koch A, Schneider B, Koluch AD, Dort J, Huml P, Matas M, Dortová E, Mockova A, ?usterová L, Pennaforte T, Hallman M, Aikio O, Vikeväinen R, Mahlman M, Shinwell ES, Rimon OF, Reicher AJ, Rozin I, Levin M, Kari M, Andersson S, Ketola I, Tammela O, Carnielli V, Nobile S, Stein A, Felderhoff-Müser U, Polá?ková R, Juren T, Ku?era M, Pöschl J, Beedgen B, Ronellenfitsch S, Macko J, Cerný M, Kabisch S, Bader D, Bar-Oz B, Golzand E, Yaari M, Schiffmann H, Schäfer S, Bohnhorst B, Ehlers S, Küster H, Lazer N, De Beauregard VG, Haumont D, Vlieghe V, Johansson AB, van den Anker J, Kornelisse RF, Tibboel D, Litmanovitz I, Arnon S, Gancia P, Dalmazzo C, Pomero G, Decaluwe W, Metsvaht T, Varendi H, Schoberer M, Trepels-Kottek S, Norbert K, Saliba E, Martano C, Borgione S, Menendez-Castro C, Rascher W, Sankilampi U, Malfilâtre G, Ghirri P, Chiandetti L, Bassler D, Carnielli V, Halliday HL, Hallman M, Jarreau PH, Plavka R, Poets CF, Schwab M, Shinwell ES, van den Anker J, Aranda J, Boyle E, Roberts R, Meisner C, Engel C
    • Conjugation of the ubiquitin activating enzyme UBE1 with the ubiquitin-like modifier FAT10 targets it for proteasomal degradation. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(3): e0120329 (Impact(2015)=3.057, Impact(2016)=2.806, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Bialas J, Groettrup M, Aichem A
    • Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes and outcome of very-low-birth-weight infants in the German Neonatal Network. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(4): e0122564 (Impact(2015)=3.057, Impact(2016)=2.806, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article)
    • Hanke K, Hartz A, Manz M, Bendiks M, Heitmann F, Orlikowsky T, Müller A, Olbertz D, Kühn T, Siegel J, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Kribs A, Stein A, Pagel J, Herting E, Göpel W, Härtel C, German Neonatal Network (GNN) , Avenarius S, Bockenholt K, Bohnhorst B, Dördelmann M, Ehlers S, Gerleve H, Gortner L, Groneck P, Hillebrand G, Hoehn T, Hubert M, Hummler H, Jenke A, Jensen R, Kannt O, Küster H, Laux R, Lieser U, Mögel M, Möller J, Müller D, Reese J, Roll C, Schaible T, Seeliger S, Segerer H, Teig N, Weller U, Vochem M, Wintgens J
    • Sedation monitoring during open muscle biopsy in children by Comfort Score and Bispectral Index – a prospective analysis. Pediatr Anaesth. 2015;25(3): 265-71 (Impact(2015)=2.082, Impact(2016)=2.254, Typ=Journal Article; Clinical Trial; Article) Tschiedel E, Muller O, Schara U, Felderhoff-Muser U, Dohna-Schwake C
    • Lifesaving liver transplantation for multi-organ failure caused by Bacillus cereus food poisoning. Pediatr Transplant. 2015;19(1): E11-4 (Impact(2015)=1.284, Impact(2016)=1.294, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Tschiedel E, Rath PM, Steinmann J, Becker H, Dietrich R, Paul A, Felderhoff-Müser U, Dohna-Schwake C
    • Connexin 40 is dispensable for vascular renin cell recruitment but is indispensable for vascular baroreceptor control of renin secretion. Pflugers Arch. 2015;467(8): 1825-34 (Impact(2015)=3.654, Impact(2016)=3.156, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Machura K, Neubauer B, Müller H, Tauber P, Kurtz A, Kurtz L
    • Decline in Lung Volume With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Is Associated With Ventilation Inhomogeneity. Respir Care. 2015;60(9): 1257-63 (Impact(2015)=1.922, Impact(2016)=1.733, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Stehling F, Dohna-Schwake C, Mellies U, Große-Onnebrink J    
    • [Preterm infants at the limit of viability. Joint recommendation of the German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, German Society of Perinatal Medicine, Academy for Ethics in Medicine, Society of Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 2015;219(1): 12-9 (Impact(2015)=0.481, Impact(2016)=0.476, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Bührer C, Felderhoff-Müser U, Kribs A, Roll C, Völkner A, Gembruch U, Hecher K, Kainer F, Maier RF, Vetter K, Krones T, Lipp V, Steppat S, Wirthl HJ
    • Mitochondrial mutation m.1555A>G as a risk factor for failed newborn hearing screening in a large cohort of preterm infants. BMC Pediatr. 2014;14: 210 (Impact(2014)=1.93, Impact(2016)=2.071, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article)
      Göpel W, Berkowski S, Preuss M, Ziegler A, Küster H, Felderhoff-Müser U, Gortner L, Mögel M, Härtel C, Herting E, German Neonatal Network
    • Prophylactic use of Lactobacillus acidophilus/Bifidobacterium infantis probiotics and outcome in very low birth weight infants. J Pediatr. 2014;165(2): 285-289.e1 (Impact(2014)=3.79, Impact(2016)=3.874, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Observational Study; Article) Härtel C, Pagel J, Rupp J, Bendiks M, Guthmann F, Rieger-Fackeldey E, Heckmann M, Franz A, Schiffmann JH, Zimmermann B, Hepping N, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Herting E, Göpel W, German Neonatal Network , Avenarius S, Bockenholt K, Bohnhorst B, Dördelmann M, Ehlers S, Felderhoff-Müser U, Gebauer C, Gerleve H, Gortner L, Groneck P, Heitmann F, Hillebrand G, Höhn T, Hubert M, Hummler H, Jenke A, Jensen R, Kannt O, Kribs A, Küster H, Laux R, Lieser U, Mögel M, Möller J, Mller D, Nikischin W, Olbertz D, Orlikowsky T, Reese J, Roll C, Schaible T, Seelinger S, Segerer H, Teig N, Weller U, Vochem M, Wintgens J
    • Pericardial air bubbles preceding the development of life-threatening tension pneumopericardium. J Pediatr. 2014;165(2): 414-414.e1 (Impact(2014)=3.79, Impact(2016)=3.874, Typ=Journal Article; Editorial) Pentek F, Schwiertz R, Schönfelder B, Dohna-Schwake C, Grasemann C, Schündeln MM
    • Pediatric sepsis and septic shock. Acute and ICU management Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 2014;162(2): 156-162 (Impact(2014)=0.229, Impact(2016)=0.31, Typ=Article) Seidemann K, Dohna-Schwake C, Keil J, Sasse M
    • Targeted Therapy with Eculizumab for Inherited CD59 Deficiency; N Engl J Med. 2014;370(1): 90-92 (Impact(2014)=55.873, Impact(2016)=72.406, Typ=Letter) Hoechsmann Britta, Dohna-Schwake Christian, Kyrieleis HenrietteA, Pannicke Ulrich, Schrezenmeier Hubert
    • Early postnatal additional high-dose oral vitamin A supplementation versus placebo for 28 days for preventing bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death in extremely low birth weight infants. Neonatology. 2014;105(3): 182-8 (Impact(2014)=2.649, Impact(2016)=2.598, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Meyer S, Gortner L, NeoVitaA Trial Investigators , Meyer S, Biesalski HK, Orlikowsky T, Heimann K, Wieg C, Bartmann P, Frey G, Felderhoff-Müser U, Stein A, Schrod L, Hentschel R, Ehrhardt H, Heckmann M, Guthmann F, Roth B, Keller T, Jahn P, Merz U, Görtz B, Jorch G, Schaible T, Petri M, Maier R, Zemlin M, Hermann M, Möller J, Bosk A, Thomas W, Kramer B, Reiss I, Wagenpfeil S, Pöschl J, Metzger J, Schroth MA, Wahl H, Gortner L
    • The injured child – diagnostic work-up in the emergency room Notfall Rettungsmed. 2014;17(3): 255-265 (Impact(2014)=0.472, Impact(2016)=0.529, Typ=Article) Schoneberg C, Schweiger B, Metzelder M, Muller D, Tschiedel E, Lendemans S
    • Continuous Infusion of Clonidine in Ventilated Newborns and Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2014;15(6): 511-522 (Impact(2014)=2.338, Impact(2016)=3.495, Typ=Article) Hunseler C, Balling G, Rohlig C, Blickheuser R, Trieschmann U, Lieser U, Dohna-Schwake C, Gebauer C, Moller O, Hering F, Hoehn T, Schubert S, Hentschel R, Huth RG, Muller A, Muller C, Wassmer G, Hahn M, Harnischmacher U, Behr J, Roth B, Clonidine Study Grp
    • Risk for late-onset blood-culture proven sepsis in very-low-birth weight infants born small for gestational age: a large multicenter study from the German Neonatal Network. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014;33(3): 238-43 (Impact(2014)=2.723, Impact(2016)=2.486, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Tröger B, Göpel W, Faust K, Müller T, Jorch G, Felderhoff-Müser U, Gortner L, Heitmann F, Hoehn T, Kribs A, Laux R, Roll C, Emeis M, Mögel M, Siegel J, Vochem M, von der Wense A, Wieg C, Herting E, Härtel C, for the German Neonatal Network
    • Normal values for inspiratory muscle function in children. Physiol Meas. 2014;35(10): 1975-81 (Impact(2014)=1.808, Impact(2016)=2.058, Typ=Journal Article; Article); Mellies U, Stehling F, Dohna-Schwake C
    • A new blood group antigen is defined by anti-CD59, detected in a CD59-deficient patient. Transfusion. 2014;54(7): 1817-22 (Impact(2014)=3.225, Impact(2016)=3.386, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Anliker M, von Zabern I, Höchsmann B, Kyrieleis H, Dohna-Schwake C, Flegel WA, Schrezenmeier H, Weinstock C
    • Liver transplantation for acute liver failure: are there thresholds not to be crossed? Transpl Int. 2014;27(6): 625-33 (Impact(2014)=2.599, Impact(2016)=3.079, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Hoyer DP, Munteanu M, Canbay A, Hartmann M, Gallinat A, Paul A, Saner FH
    • [The injured child–diagnostic work-up in the emergency room]. Unfallchirurg. 2014;117(9): 829-41 (Impact(2014)=0.649, Impact(2016)=0.467, Typ=Journal Article; English Abstract; Article) Schöneberg C, Schweiger B, Metzelder M, Müller D, Tschiedel E, Lendemans S
    • Cardiac amyloidosis induces up-regulation of Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 (DMBT1) Cardiovasc Pathol. 2013;22(3): 195-202 (Impact(2013)=2.336, Impact(2016)=2.359, Typ=Article) Mueller Hanna, Renner Marcus, Bergmann Frank, Mechtersheimer Gunhild, Weiss Christel, Poeschl Johannes, Helmke BurkhardM, Mollenhauer Jan
    • Septic shock in children in an urban area in Western Germany: a multi-center retrospective survey Infection. 2013;41 1: S49-S49 (Impact(2013)=2.864, Impact(2016)=2.468, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Dohna-Schwake C, Breuling T, Grosse-Lordemann A, Felderhoff-Muser U, Tschiedel E
    • Glut1 deficiency syndrome and novel ketogenic diets. J Child Neurol. 2013;28(8): 1045-8 (Impact(2013)=1.666, Impact(2016)=1.378, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Klepper J, Leiendecker B
    • Early recognition of septic shock in children. Klin Padiatr. 2013;225(4): 201-5 (Impact(2016)=0.731, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Dohna-Schwake C, Felderhoff-Müser U
    • Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia associated with juvenile granulosa cell tumor. Klin Padiatr. 2013;225(3): 170-1 (Impact(2016)=0.731, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Rupprich K, Wimberger P, Wieland R, Eggert A, Grabellus F, Schneider DT, Wulff B
    • Pulmonary calcifications following Escherichia coli pneumonia Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 2013;161(4): 336-339 (Impact(2013)=0.278, Impact(2016)=0.31, Typ=Article) Alfen K, Holscher M, Sirin S, Schweiger B, Felderhoff-Muser U, Stein A
    • Neurogenic stunned myocardium after embolization in two children with vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation Neuroradiology. 2013;55(2): 213-216 (Impact(2013)=2.374, Impact(2016)=2.093, Typ=Article) Nunez FB, Tschiedel E, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Neudorf U, Chapot R, Dohna-Schwake C
    • Evaluation of 100 brain examinations using a 3 Tesla MR-compatible incubator-safety, handling, and image quality. Neuroradiology. 2013;55(10): 1241-9 (Impact(2013)=2.374, Impact(2016)=2.093, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Sirin S, Goericke SL, Huening BM, Stein A, Kinner S, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Schweiger B
    • Systematic characterization of amplitude-integrated EEG signals for monitoring the preterm brain. Pediatr Res. 2013;73(2): 226-35 (Impact(2013)=2.84, Impact(2016)=2.882, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Griesmaier E, Enot DP, Bachmann M, Neubauer V, Hellström-Westas L, Kiechl-Kohlendorfer U, Keller M
    • CD59 DEFINES A NEW BLOOD GROUP SYSTEM Vox Sang. 2013;105 1: 29-30 (Impact(2013)=3.303, Impact(2016)=2.192, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Weinstock C, von Zabern I, Hochsmann B, Dohna-Schwake C, Kyrieleis H, Schrezenmeier H, Anliker M